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247023, Gomel region, Gomel
district, agrocity Uritskoe,
The municipal agricultural
unitary enterprise
«Combine «Vostok»

The municipal agricultural unitary enterprise Combine "Vostok" in Gomel district was organized by order of Council of Ministers of BSSR from 26.08.1985, № 588-r and Order of the Ministry of fruit and vegetable farms of the BSSR 10.09.1985 № 195. The founder of the company is Gomel regional executive committee. Governing body of the enterprise is the Department of Agriculture and Food Gomel regional executive committee.

Ownership: municipal.

Authorized capital: State ownership 100%.

Industry: agriculture.

Head of Enterprise: Korzh Dmitry Yuryevich.

In May of 2008 by joining SEC "Pobeda", a new type of milk and beef production was mastered.

The structure of the economy consists of three dairy farms and cattle farms with livestock head of cattle 2038 at 01.01.2010 of which - 769 cows, including - 676 cows dairy herd. Development of livestock, usually depends on the development of crop sector, and vice versa. Gross milk production in 2009 amounted to 4227.6 tons, average annual yield of a cow - 6254 kg, average daily gain of cattle - 634 gr.

In December 2009, by joining Domanovichskogo vegetable drying plant, a new type of activity, production of canned vegetables and growing shiitake mushrooms.

In the structure of commodity products is the largest potato production, as production, which is in greatest demand, its share in total output in the range 25-30%.

Production of vegetables is characterized by a significant increase. In 2005 - 6568 tonnes in 2006 - 8921 tonnes in 2007 - 8172.1 m in 2008 - 16195.7 tons, and in 2009 -12 330 m.

In 2009, the yield of greenhouse vegetables was 44.1 kg/m2.

Land-use patterns

The total area of 5102.6 hectares of land, of which 4401 ha of agricultural land. The weighted average score of farmland - 34.9; arable land - 37.4. Vegetables occupy 272.32 hectares, 270 hectares potatoes respectively.